Super 6s

The Grafton Super 6’s tournaments are Grafton’s biggest events, raising money for the club and helping us purchase playing equipment for our teams. As well as lots of cricket there are food stalls, raffles and competitions including a bowling speed test and high catch comps.
Super 6s Cricket
Teams of six-a-side and of mixed ability play six-over matches where every player is guaranteed to bat and either bowl or wicket-keep in every game!
- Cubs: Skills and drills only (no games)
- Grade 2: Skills and Drills only OR
- Grade 2 & Grade 3 Teams
- Grade 4 & U11 Girls Teams
- U10 & U11 Teams
- U12 & U13 Teams
Members and non-members are welcome, so get your family and friends signed up.
Grafton Junior Super 6’s
Register HERE
Registrations close on 16 February so register quickly, you don't want to miss out!
Where: Victoria Park
Who: Grades 2 - 8
When: Sunday 23 February from 8:30am to 3:30pm
As well as the junior tournament, there will also be food stalls, raffles and lots of games and competitions including catching comps and a speed radar for testing your bowling speed.