Grafton Development Trust

To mark our next chapter and broaden the scope in promoting sport and physical recreation throughout Auckland, the Grafton Cricket Development Trust was formed in 2015.

The Grafton Cricket Development Trust has the follow charitable purpose:

  • To assist in the provision of the necessary equipment and training to enable and encourage participation in cricket and other sports among young people
  • To help provide facilities for and to promote physical recreation in the Auckland region
  • To foster interest and advance the tradition of cricket and other sports by collection and preserving sporting items of historical and topical interest.

The Trust is a registered charity (Registration number: CC51650).

The Trust in Action

The Grafton Cricket Development Trust supported the introduction of GUCC’s Girl’s Blitz Tournament. Held at Cox’s Bay on a Thursday evening, this initiative invited local primary schools to enter a team. Alongside weekly coaching sessions, the inaugural Girl’s Blitz competition saw 10 teams playing cricket for the first time.  A number of players went on to represent Grafton in a Saturday club team.

Current trustees

  • Nicholas Albrecht
  • Peter Meads
  • Alastair Lee
  • Brent McAnulty
  • Martin Webster

How to contribute

You can contribute to the Grafton Cricket Development Trust by making a donation or by making a bequest in your will.

You can specify in your bequest where you would like funds to be spent or alternatively allow the Trust to allocate them on your behalf.
Donations are eligible for a tax credit and a donation receipt will be issued.

 To contribute, donations can be made directly to the trust’s  bank account:

  • Grafton Cricket Development Trust
  • ASB:  12-3019-0012064-00

Please include your name and 'Donation' in the reference.

Any queries, please contact Peter Meads ( or +64 27 475 8280)

The First XI Donors

The Trust would like to acknowledge our ‘First XI’ donors for their contribution:

  • Matthew Hooton
  • Jeff Meltzer
  • Lyall Tozer
  • Mark Bird
  • Mike Simm
  • Nick Albrecht
  • Phil Horne
  • Stewart Wilson
  • Peter Meads
  • Mike de Lautour

More information

If you have questions, would like to discuss your contribution please contact us:

Peter Meads, trustee ( or +64 27 475 8280)

View charity on the Charity Services Register.

Donate directly to Grafton United.