C19 Level 3 - Monday 15 February, 2021
Auckland is currently in COVID-19 Response Level 3 and will be so until at least 11.59pm on Wednesday 17 February.
While in Level 3 no cricket activity is permitted, including the playing of games, training and workshops (this may, however, occur in an outline format if applicable). This means that all games scheduled between Monday 15 February and 11.59pm on Wednesday 17 February are abandoned.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates when appropriate.
The following is a guideline on what cricket may look like under the various levels (based on past lockdown regulations).
Level 2.5
Under Level 2.5 small group activity can take place, however, all protocols as per level 2 must be carried out plus no gatherings over 10. No ACA games will be permitted; however, clubs/schools may deliver small trainings if the Ministry of Health and Sport NZ guidelines are followed.
Level 2
Under Level 2 all cricket activity can occur if Ministry of Health and NZ Cricket COVID-19 guidelines are followed, including restrictions on mass gatherings (100), contact tracing and hygiene protocols.
For the latest information, including Locations of Interest and Testing Stations - February 14 update.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates when appropriate.